Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A gem of a property!

Now the ball is really rolling. We've just replaced the front storm door which was missing hardware to close and had a whacky glass storm panel insert which was leaking out all sorts of hot air and leaking in all sorts of cold air. The exterior entry door we have inside the sunporch has a 1" gap beneath it from when previous owners planed the door down to accomodate carpeting. It also has a lot of glass, so without a proper storm door, we were in for a big draft.

I will get to that entry door next spring. It will be stripped, refinished, re-weatherstripped, etc.

Anyway, we finally had our custom Anderson storm door installed. This is an Anderson 2000 series with a 79" height. (All our entry doors are 79" tall) Full glass with slide away screen. It looks lovely on the house. We already feel the energy savings! AND Now the kitties can enjoy going out on the sunporch when the weather is not too cold.

Mailbox and address sign will see updates soon...
Side entry door will be worked on by, new lock, new trim, and new storm door with cross panels will be installed shortly, and a new light fixture.

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