I have set my priorities for weatherproofing the house for the winter season ahead of us.
Time is flying by! This has been one of the worst summers weather wise we've had in I think years...the rain has just not let up. Cloudy with a chance of rain, almost every other day...and almost every weekend!
Anyway, we have a second floor balcony off of...our bathroom. We're settling to seal if off with asphalt roofing material, caulk it up, and expand the gutter area.
We have some serious problems with our eat in kitchen due to the water damage caused by this second floor patio's absense of roofing material and lack of gutter flow. The ceiling in the kitchen has of course been patched over and over, without attention to the cause by the previous owners. I can't believe people can be so ignorant, and so cheap. We're talking decades of neglect of the cause of this situation resulting in the rot of a beautiful large window.
We've already replaced the window. We are now resorting to removing the old window casing and rebuilding a new one.
It was interesting to pull out the old rusted pulley system with the 8lb weights inside, seriously rusted from water damage. It must have not been functioning for years. That is really ridiculous if you ask me.
My nerves are shot after having to tear out the whole casing, saving only the portion of the right side and thankfully the stool. The rest was completely rotten.
Here's what's going on now:

Up next, I will be knocking down the loose plaster from the damaged portion of the wall and ceiling to install drywall sections and or/ new laths where needed.
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