It is now 2011 and over the course of many decades, pieces of Cleveland history and American history have been lost for many reasons. The biggest reason is part of American culture: the desire to buy "new" and throw the "old" away.
Restoring beauty to our once, neglected, and abused 1920s colonial, in a hard-hit first-time home buyer community in the rust belt city, is the ultimate recycling project, but our efforts won't stop there. A wonderful way to help give back to the community is to purchase local used furniture when possible. Craigslist, local antique stores, consignment shops, thrift outlets, and the Freecycle are excellent ways of finding beautiful, affordable pieces that need your rescue. Many times these great finds will ultimately wind up in a landfill.
If you are interested in purchasing an old piece of furniture and you are not sure how to go about restoring it. Please e-mail me: and I would be glad to give you some tips.